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Weekly Dev Update #110

Weekly Dev Update #110

21 July 2020Admin

Hey Y’all, 

Last week we primarily focused on the release of the desktop refactor, which overhauled multi-device and friend requests and fixed a number of lingering issues. We also continued our work on Pulse, moving towards the inter-SNode communication model which will lay the groundwork for the communication of candidate blocks and the group signing process. The lead dev of the Lokinet team is on vacation, but we continue to make progress on enforcing Lokinet operation at the Service Node level. 

Loki Core 


If you’re on our Discord you can catch Jeff, the lead developer of LLARP, live streaming as he codes at https://www.twitch.tv/uguu25519. He typically streams on Tuesday mornings, 9am – 12pm Eastern (US) time.

What went on last week with Lokinet: Another light Lokinet update this week: Lokinet’s lead developer (Jeff) was on vacation again, catching up on some overdue rest and relaxation. We have one PR this week for the lokid <-> lokinet communication of peer stats, and have some other work in progress (continuing this coming week) on cleaning up and testing client-side configurations for configuring exit traffic routing.

Lokinet PR Activity:


Session iOS 

Session Android

Session Desktop 



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