Weekly Dev Update #129

Weekly Dev Update #129

01 December 2020Admin

Hey Y’all, 

This week we worked on fixing up various bugs found in the Lokinet GUI. The Session team continued working on the client refactor and also published a new desktop release which fixed a few bugs. The Loki Core team continued their efforts to integrate Loki into Ledger devices, making the new code compatible with CLSAG transactions.

Loki Core 

Loki Electron Wallet


You can catch Jeff, the lead developer of LLARP, live streaming as he codes at https://www.twitch.tv/uguu25519. He typically streams on Tuesday mornings, 9am – 12pm Eastern (US) time.

What went on last week with Lokinet: We shipped Lokinet 0.8.2 on all platforms last week; this fixed a few issues on Linux/Windows, and was our first public 0.8 series release for macOS.  Since then we’ve had a few bug reports (keep them coming!) and have been addressing some of the issues.

Lokinet PR Activity:


Session iOS 

Session Android

Session Desktop

Loki Storage Server 



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