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Weekly Dev Update #144

Weekly Dev Update #144

29 March 2021Admin

Hey y’all, 

This week we have continued pushing hard to finish our outstanding tasks before the next hardfork (date yet to be announced). The Lokinet team is working hard to finish up liblokinet so that clients can speak to other clients using liblokinet, as well as speaking to service nodes using the same protocol. The Session team is continuing work on a complete overhaul of the Session open group server, and the associated client side communication code. The Oxen team is close to putting together a candidate release for the upcoming hard fork and cleaning up various parts of the code in preparation for that release.

Oxen Core 


The focus of the Lokinet team over the past week has been fully centered on our liblokinet tunnelling layer. We have it embedded into Lokinet and it’s working, but there are a few rough edges that we’re spending this week to sort out.


Session iOS

Session Android 

Session Desktop

Session Open group server

Session Storage server



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