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Weekly Dev Update #146

Weekly Dev Update #146

12 April 2021Admin

Hey y’all, 

This week we continued our preparation for the upcoming hardfork, this entailed working on the the required changes to the Oxen storage server and Session app before the hardfork occurs. We also put the final touches onto the Lokinet client before we begin the testing phase and worked to ensure the Loki core releases were ready for the upcoming candidate release. 

Oxen Core


We’ve kept up testing in Lokinet ahead of the upcoming hardfork, looking into issues on Windows and Mac and the plainquic tunnel.  We also spent some time tracking down and fixing a long-irritating memory growth in Lokinet which should reduce the memory requirements of service nodes.  We’re quite content with the state of the code for a 0.9.0 release later this month and looking forward to the new places this release will help Lokinet go.


Session iOS

Session Android 

Session Desktop 

Session Open Group Server 

Oxen Storage Server



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