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Weekly Dev Update #148

Weekly Dev Update #148

26 April 2021Kee Jefferys

Hey y’all, 

We’re now in the final week before the Oxen 9: Audacious Aurochs hardfork, which will execute in just under 3 days at block 785,000, so please ensure your Service Nodes are upgraded before the fork date, so that they aren’t deregistered. This week in the realm of Oxen core we continued work on updating parts of the Oxen Storage server to work better with different CPU architectures and change the way inter-service-node communication works for onion requests. With Session we’ve been continuing to adapt clients to work with the new Session V2 Open groups and updated Session Android to better handle clients leaving and joining closed groups. On Lokinet we made final touches to a new client release inline with the upcoming network upgrade.

Oxen Core

Oxen Storage Server

Oxen Electron Wallet


The majority of the past week in Lokinet has been spent putting the final touches and fixes on the code for the hard fork release. We’ve also started brainstorming new future ideas for Lokinet, and are continuing client-side testing this week — aiming for a new Lokinet release for clients around the end of the week or early next week.


Session Android 

Session Desktop 

Session Open Group Server 




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