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Weekly Dev Update #157

Weekly Dev Update #157

29 June 2021Kee Jefferys

Hey y’all, 

This week the Lokinet team tracked down the cause of a particularly nasty bug which was impacting stability, subsequently the Lokinet team published the 0.9.4 Lokinet release which fixes this bug, to be included in the next Service Node upgrade. The Session team continued their work on the Android conversation screen refactor and published a new desktop release containing loads of quality of life upgrades, including an onion path monitor, better translation support, and more control around downloading attachments. The Oxen core team furthered their efforts to include Ledger wallet support after conversations with the Ledger team, and also worked on fixing threading issues which are causing instability with the mobile wallet. 

Oxen Core


This week in Lokinet, we fixed a bug.  That may sound minor, but this is a bug that we've been spending most of the past few weeks on locating, solving, and fixing various other related issues along the way.  And as so often occurs with such a difficult to identify bug, the fix is miniscule (https://github.com/oxen-io/loki-network/pull/1669/commits/9d0dffe08645983e646b950e07f2f2438848fe42) and obvious in retrospect: we were allowing pairs of routers to have multiple established sessions between them but elsewhere else they are meant to have just one single session over which they pass all the data.  By establishing multiple connections, routers would become confused as to which session was the correct one and drop incoming data over the others, causing mass network chaos. Having squashed that, we pushed out a 0.9.4 release which has shown greatly improved performance and will be going out to the Service Node network soon. Our next focus is on getting the client releases updated with a brand new, much improved desktop GUI (including bringing back a proper macOS release).


Session Android 

Session Desktop 



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