Weekly Dev Update #158
Hey y’all,
This week the Session team diagnosed and fixed a number of bugs in the updated Session Android conversation screen. The Lokinet team spent most of their time investigating the best way to support a new Mac release using the native network extension APIs, and the core team finished up their last update to the Oxen storage server before the upcoming mandatory Service Node upgrade.
Oxen Core
Further work on Service Node payment batching https://github.com/darcys22/loki-core/commits/batch-sn-payments
Soft fork support tested and finalised https://github.com/oxen-io/oxen-core/pull/1465
[OxenMQ] Fix a bug in returned messages on dev branch & made new 1.2.6 release https://github.com/oxen-io/oxen-mq/pull/42
[Storage Server] Testing, bug fixes, and miscellaneous updates for the big 2.2.0 update https://github.com/oxen-io/oxen-storage-server/pull/433
We spent time tracking down a few last issues ahead of next week’s soft fork, mainly fixing some issues around Lokinet router peer testing. We’re also working on getting the low-level macOS code in good working order (particularly for Big Sur) so that we can bring out a brand new GUI for Lokinet on all our platforms.
Renamed the github repository to lokinet (instead of loki-network).
macOS network extension ongoing work https://github.com/oxen-io/lokinet/pull/1688
Link to jemalloc (by default, when available) for reduced memory usage https://github.com/oxen-io/lokinet/pull/1685
Fix inefficiency in dealing with already-established connections https://github.com/oxen-io/lokinet/pull/1686
Various fixes to Lokinet peer testing & lokinetmon reporting https://github.com/oxen-io/lokinet/pull/1693
Session Android
Fix line breaks being replaced by quotes in new conversation screen https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/pull/627
Remove unused code and resources https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/pull/626
Fix audio player crashing https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/pull/625
Better failed message handling https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/pull/624
Proper sentence capitalisation https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/pull/623
Add conversations screen search feature https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/pull/622
Fix SOGS media previews and URL handling https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/pull/621
Session iOS
Fix misplaced scroll button https://github.com/oxen-io/session-ios/pull/440
Session Desktop
Bulk message retrieval https://github.com/oxen-io/session-desktop/pull/1754
WIP: Performance improvements https://github.com/oxen-io/session-desktop/pull/1753
WIP: Worker thread performance improvements https://github.com/oxen-io/session-desktop/pull/1750
Conversation pinning https://github.com/oxen-io/session-desktop/pull/1745
Only display link preview modal once https://github.com/oxen-io/session-desktop/pull/1757
Don’t start expire timer before seeing message https://github.com/oxen-io/session-desktop/pull/1751
Thanks, Kee
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