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Weekly Dev Update #16

Weekly Dev Update #16

01 October 2018Admin

Hey Y’all,

The dev team had an interesting week, which was primarily spent responding to bugs in the Loki core implementation. Lokinet developers have been working super hard and are getting close to something that is usable by the end user.



This week we published a minor release which can be found here: https://github.com/loki-project/loki/releases/tag/1.0.2 This incorporates fixes for newly operating Service Nodes and prevents a burning bug, mentioned below.

This update does not contain any consensus rule changes and therefore is a non-mandatory upgrade. However, if you are a Loki merchant, you should update immediately. Service Nodes who consistently take their nodes offline should also update. We will publish a guide soon on how to safely update a Service Node, however you should not be concerned unless you are planning to take your Service Node offline for a period of time.


Service Nodes


LLARP / Lokinet

We are looking for experienced sysadmins for running nodes that connect to our toynet. Please join the Discord room called Lokinet, and we can add you to the node operator role. You can host a hidden service or browse existing hidden services.


Loki core

  • Fixed a bug affecting Cryptonote coins where no warning was giving for non spendable outputs, leading to effective burning if coins were credited.




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