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Weekly Dev Update #164

Weekly Dev Update #164

16 August 2021Kee Jefferys

Hey y’all, 

This week, on Oxen core we continued working on Service Node reward batching, ensuring that the fixes we’ve implemented pass all of our tests, there's one last test to be fixed before it goes for final review. Lokinet got closer on the macOS DNS resolution issues and we’ve also added RPM packaging for Fedora. The Session team worked on WebRTC integration for the Android and iOS clients, with the goal of getting a cross platform call running. The Session desktop team worked on a number of quality of life updates, including streamlining the registration process. 

Oxen Core


This week saw us progressing with macOS development; we now have things working reasonably well on macOS aside from one niggling issue with automatic configuration of DNS servers. It’s been a long effort, but we think we’re close.

Separately this week we adopted TechnicalTumbleweed’s contributions on RPM packaging for oxenmq and Lokinet, and have integrated it into our automatic build system along with various package updates to align it with the debian packaging changes. Part of this involved creating a new Fedora RPM repository at https://rpm.oxen.io (and are looking at expanding this repository to other projects, such as Session, in the near future). This Lokinet RPM packaging is brand new and may have bugs and problems, but we’d love to hear from any Fedora users on how well it works (or doesn’t!). Many thanks to TechnicalTumblewood for the initial work, and for ongoing testing with a few initial releases of the automatic builds.


Session Android 

Session iOS

Session Desktop 



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