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Weekly Dev Update #174

25 October 2021Kee Jefferys

Hey y’all, 

The Oxen core team continued focusing on the development of Wallet3, in addition to further modularising some development components such as OxenMQ and OxenEncoding into their own repos.   

Oxen Core


Only a few updates this week as Lokinet developers were busy working on other Oxen projects.  Some progress was made on resolving Windows IPv6 leaks, work progressed on building releases with the new GUI code, and several bug fixes were made.


This week the Session team had a dual focus. First up was finishing an internal testing version of WebRTC calls, which are now production ready. Secondly we turned on and tested unsend requests, which allow for remote message deletion from a chat partners device. 

Session Android 

Session Desktop 

Session iOS 

  • Ongoing WebRTC work

Session File Server



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