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Weekly Dev Update #32

Weekly Dev Update #32

22 January 2019Admin

Hey Y’all,

Another week, another update here at Loki.

Loki Core

LLARP / Lokinet

If you’re lucky and join our Discord, you might also catch Jeff or Ryan, the developers of LLARP, live streaming as they code: https://www.twitch.tv/uguu25519https://www.twitch.tv/neuroscr

We could really use your help. To be considered for inclusion in packaging distribution, we need people to star, watch and fork our Github repo. If you have a Github account, please consider helping us out.

  • Master branch changes

Loki Messenger

Research work:

  • Created new repository for simulating different algorithms for the “arbitrary public key” to swarm id assignment, which will be performed by the Service Nodes. So far, the simulations have confirmed that compared to a 1-dimensional Euclidean distance, the Hamming distance offers the best uniformity in the amount of public keys assigned to swarms, but this comes with a larger amount of swarms affected when a swarm is added or deleted. Please note that this is a work in progress. (





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