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Weekly Dev Update #5

Weekly Dev Update #5

06 July 2018Admin

Hey Y’all,

New week, new update!

Service Nodes

LLARP / Lokinet

If you’re lucky and join our Discord, you might also catch Jeff or Ryan the developers of LLARP live streaming as they code: https://www.twitch.tv/uguu25519https://www.twitch.tv/neuroscr

Architecture Team

  • Whitepaper V3 has been handed to an editor, we should expect to have a copy out mid-late next week, editing/formatting is taking longer than expected.

  • After more research, we have handed over some fixed values needed for final models to Dr Brendan. This includes assumptions about values like Service Node operation cost, newly proposed emissions curve, and target nodes on Lokinet.

Loki Android Wallet

  • First release of the Loki android wallet is out, you can download and the APK here 


  • Please note that the Loki mobile wallet is currently in Alpha. It will move onto the Google Play Store once feedback from users has been collected.

  • Big thanks to the Monerujo team for their efforts in making this wallet possible.


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