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Weekly Dev Update #54

Weekly Dev Update #54

25 June 2019Admin

Hey Y’all, 

We’re all busy getting ready for the testnet release this week, which means we’re busy combing through lokid, Loki Messenger and the Loki Storage Server looking for bugs and testing our edge cases. 

This week we also did a new release for the Loki Electron GUI wallet which adds a number of quality-of-life upgrades for users, including being able to see all of the nodes you’ve contributed to, having the ability to unstake from nodes with a single click, and transaction proofs and checking.

Loki Core

Loki Launcher

The Loki Launcher is a node js package that will allow for the independent management of all the components required to run a full Service Node. This includes managing Lokinet, lokid and the Loki Storage Server. When Loki Service Nodes begin to route data and store messages for Lokinet and Loki Messenger, the Loki Launcher will need to be run on every single Service Node.

Right now the Launcher is in a testing phase, so you should only use it on testnet and stagenet – though feedback/issues and pull requests would be greatly appreciated! 

What’s going on this week with Loki Launcher:

We released the first version of the Launcher! and with everyone’s feedback have continued to roll out updates and bug fixes. We’ve learned a lot from this release, and we hope this will help everyone make the upgrade to version 4.0.0 of Loki seamlessly.


  • Fix missing parameters in check-systemd and start

  • Fix parameter deduplication in daemon.js

  • Include running configuration in config-view

  • Add better error handler to serveTCP

  • Handle port in use more gracefully in prequal

  • Work around setuid NodeJS issue for home directories. It would always return root’s home directory

  • Make “don’t run as root” recommendation not appear when we tell you to use root

  • Fix MacOS home directory detection

  • Support spaces instead of equal signs for lokid command line options

  • getLauncherStatus refactor to unify “waiting for start up” and “status” output

  • Include a “ctrl-c to exit” message in client mode

  • Precreate blockchain default config if INI is found but blockchain is not specified

  • Make sure blockchain data directory exists in fix-perms

  • Adjust download-binaries retries and timeout to play with Github’s API nicer

  • Support –config-file to allow absolute paths as well (as relative)

  • On –config-file failures output both paths searched

  • Node 8.x support for getLauncherStatus reports (Only Node 10.x+ support console.table)

  • Make getLauncherStatus reports a bit more configurable, so status/start up messaging make sense

  • Allow quotes in launcher.ini configuration files

  • Take existing downloaded blockchain size when running prequal disk space checks.

  • Disable restricted RPC

  • Change storage server parameter from db-location to data_dir to better match

  • Started up a multiple copy deploy on same host guide:


Github Pulse: Excluding merges, 2 authors have pushed 38commits to master and 38 commits to all branches. On master, 15 files have changed and there have been 588 additions and 205 deletions.


If you’re on our Discord you might catch Jeff or Ryan, the developers of LLARP, live streaming as they code: https://www.twitch.tv/uguu25519, https://www.twitch.tv/neuroscr

What’s going on this week with Lokinet:

Work continues on improving our metrics for internal testing and adjustments due to libuv refactor. We continue to improve the quality of the code and seek to remove any possibilities of bugs creeping in. path build status messages have been added as a pull-request, and we have high hopes this will lead to finding more stability bugs which we can squash.


Pull Requests:

Loki Wallets

Loki Electron GUI Wallet 

We published a new release for the Loki Electron GUI wallet which can be found here: https://github.com/loki-project/loki-electron-gui-wallet/releases/tag/v1.2. This new release includes features such as:

  • Portuguese translation.

  • List contributed Service Nodes in the staking page. 

  • Allow for one click unstaking.

  • Add proving and checking transaction proofs.

  • Allow filtering transactions by ID, note, amount, address or contact name.

  • Show a warning when sweeping all and unlocking a Service Node.

  • Show un-truncated Loki values in transaction details page.

  • Other minor fixes.

Loki Messenger Desktop 

Storage Server

Messenger Mobile (iOS and Android)



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