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Weekly Oxen Labs Update #238

06 March 2023Kee Jefferys

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This week the Session team made fantastic progress integrating libsession, with the configuration message management section completed and submitted for review on iOS. Android is not too far behind and desktop is only slightly behind that. The Oxen team is still reviewing and working through getting ONS registrations working in wallet3, and the team has also started requesting quotes from external auditors to audit our Ledger application, which is one of the final steps we need to take to be accessible in the public Ledger live store. The Session and Lokinet team worked together this week to do a new test of liblokinet on iOS which is now performing many times better than our previous tests. We still have to iron out a few more issues, but the direction and velocity of travel towards that goal is very promising. 

Oxen Core


Session Android

Session iOS

Session Desktop



We had a pretty full week in marketing this week, there was a public holiday in Melbourne on Monday the 13th — so we had to make sure that everything was prepped for the extended weekend for many members of the team. 

We released Chats with Chris: Roadmap Rodeo. This is a new style of video designed to give people more insight into what we are doing at the Oxen Labs and have a chance to peek into the kinds of conversations we have inside the four walls of the office. This time we focused on the roadmap progress. If you want to keep seeing content like this, make sure to let us know (or provide feedback on what you’d like to see change). 

The Oxen YouTube also released this transaction guide as a part of the tutorials upgrades (which is getting close to completion now).  

Tim has been working on some initial designs for a revamped Oxen Knights program. The Oxen Knights was a lot of fun, but there were undoubtedly some issues with it. We think it’ll be important to have something like the Oxen Knights going forward, but we want to improve on how it works. If you have some ideas of your own — tag us and let us know so we can chat about it.

Cam, Alex, and I are continuing to workshop the renewed voice for Oxen, specifically focusing on social media voice this week. 

Session dropped a thread about the proposed legislation in the United Kingdom. Needless to say, the legislation is a total shambles. We had already discussed it in the most recent episode of the Session Tapes, but we wanted to make a more specific, thought-out statement about the bill.

This week the Session Twitter was also posting about the 30 year anniversary of the Cypherpunk Manifesto and IWD. Although we have been putting relatively less resources into the Session socials as we shift our focus to Oxen, the account is still enjoying high engagement and steady growth. 

Session sent out a user survey about notifications in the app. 

Alex worked with the tech team to wrangle some difficult error messages for Session.

And last but not least, we had a great meeting with some very clever and resourceful people who gave us some advice on directions we might head when it comes to censorship circumvention.

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