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Weekly Dev Update #162

Weekly Dev Update #162

03 August 2021Kee Jefferys

Hey y’all, 

This week we made a breakthrough on Lokinet macOS support, finally being able to properly interact with the macOS network extensions API, which will help to ensure that Lokinet functions smoothly on macOS in a future release. The Session team pushed out a desktop release with a bunch of performance improvements, and the mobile team focused on voice call support and bug fixes. The Oxen core team finished the final testing for Service Node batching with a pull request to master coming shortly. 

Oxen Core


We spent much of this week working through the necessary bits for modern macOS support; we’ve been working on it for a few weeks now, but finally made a few major breakthroughs which have pushed us much closer to the finish line (with the right combination of signing keys, provisioning profiles, and application location) and have a functional Lokinet instance on Mac now properly wired into Apple’s modern networking APIs that communicates with the Lokinet network. We still have some bits to wire up before this is release-ready, but we’re getting close.


Session Android

Session iOS

Session Desktop



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