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Weekly Dev Update #28

Weekly Dev Update #28

01 January 2019Admin

Hey Y’all,

Merry Christmas, and happy holidays to everyone! Over the next few weeks the Dev Updates will probably be more sparse as most of the team is having a little time off for the Christmas period. We hope to be refreshed before a great 2019 for Loki!

Loki Core

LLARP / Lokinet

If you’re lucky and join our Discord, you might also catch Jeff or Ryan, the developers of LLARP, live streaming as they code: https://www.twitch.tv/uguu25519 , https://www.twitch.tv/neuroscr

We could really use your help. To be considered for inclusion in packaging distribution, we need people to star, watch and fork our Github repo. If you have a Github account, please consider helping us out.

Loki Messenger



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