Weekly Dev Update #49
Hey Y’all,
This week’s Dev Update will only be small since nearly the whole team has been travelling again, this time back to Australia from Consensus. Nevertheless, we have initiated a range of changes both in Lokinet and the Loki storage server
Additionally, we’re happy to have Jason (Jagerman) now working full-time with the Loki Foundation as a developer. I have been in communication with the Loki Foundation, and all parties have agreed that Jason will begin working on the implementation of Blink, which will allow for fully private CryptoNote transactions to be instantly confirmed.
Loki Core
Merge upstream from Monero
Loki Launcher
The Loki Launcher is a node js package that will allow for the independent management of all the components to run a full Service Node. This includes managing Lokinet, lokid and the Loki storage server. When Loki Service Nodes begin to route data and store messages for Lokinet and Loki Messenger, the Loki Launcher will need to be run on every single Service Node.
Right now the Launcher is in a testing phase, so you should only use it on Testnet and Stagenet – though feedback/issues and pull requests would be greatly appreciated!
Remove alpine and use debug Lokinet builds for Docker image
Track uptimes for each daemon
Allow custom commands from socket server
Pipe Lokinet output to socket server
Add line breaks to Lokinet version and Service Node files
If you’re lucky and join our Discord you might catch Jeff or Ryan, the developers of LLARP, live streaming as they code: https://www.twitch.tv/uguu25519, https://www.twitch.tv/neuroscr
Master branch updates
Loki Messenger
The Loki Messenger client is in a mostly complete state. Right now the focus is being put on the message server and integration with Lokinet and lokid.
Storage Server
Token bucket rate limiting for snode-to-snode requests:
Use keccak1600 signatures to match lokid:
Messenger Mobile (iOS and Android)
We have continued work on Loki Messenger for iOS. It will be ported from Signal iOS. The repo and all of our work can be found here:
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