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Mandatory service node update: Session, storage server, and small contributors

Mandatory service node update: Session, storage server, and small contributors

This is not a hardfork — but service node operators have to upgrade!
25 August 2022Kee Jefferys

A new mandatory service node upgrade will be released on August 31, with a 2 week upgrade period ending on September 14. 

This upgrade includes some important fixes for small contributors as well as changes to the storage server. Service nodes which have not been updated by September 14 will be decommissioned. 

Last year we added the ability for the service node network to make upgrades without requiring a full hardfork — so wallets, exchanges, and full nodes can continue operating without needing to upgrade. This upgrade is specifically for service node operators. 

What is in the upgrade? 

The most important change included in this upgrade relates to small contributors. Introduced alongside the increased number of possible contributors in Wistful Wagyu, a small contributor is someone who contributes less than 25% of the service node’s total stake (which, with the current 15,000 OXEN requirement, is a contribution of less than 3,750 OXEN). 

To prevent mass unlocks, small contributors are supposed to be barred from requesting an unlock until 30 days after the service node is registered. However, there is currently a bug which allows small contributors to request unlocks early. This upgrade includes a fix for this bug, meaning small contributors will now need to wait 30 days before requesting an unlock. 

The upgrade also includes some storage server changes which will primarily benefit Session.

Firstly, the way the storage server communicates with the Push Notification Server is being changed, which should result in improved push notification delivery times. 

Secondly, there are changes to closed group message retrieval which are required for upcoming closed group improvements.

When is this happening?

The binaries will be released on August 31, with a 2 week upgrade period ending on September 14. These changes will be enforced from September 14, and upgraded service nodes will begin voting to decommission/deregister un-updated service nodes.  

Mandatory Upgrade Period

How do I upgrade?

Upgrading via your CLI is simple, simply input the following commands: 

Syncing your repositories: 

sudo apt update

Then installing updates using: 

sudo apt upgrade

Please note: this will install both updated Oxen packages and any available system updates. 

During the upgrade, the running instance of oxend will be restarted to ensure that the updated oxend is active. 

If you need help

Help will be available through the usual channels, via the Oxen open group on Session, the Oxen Service Nodes group on Telegram, or any of Oxen’s official social media channels. 

We will do our best to make sure that we are available to help anyone and everyone that needs assistance during the upgrade. In the meantime, sit tight — the binaries will be released next week! 

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